MYANMAR – The Union Prime Minister of the National Unity Government of Myanmar, H. E. Mahn Winn Khaing Thann was known to have met with and greeted the civilians in the controlled regions of the revolutionary forces.
During the visit, The Union Prime Minister H. E. Mahn Winn Khaing Thann was accompanied by the Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Labour H.E. U Kyaw Ni, the personal assistant of the Union Prime Minister Mr. Naung Yoe, the permanent secretary of the office of the Prime Minister Ms. Kyipyar, the spokesperson of the office of the Prime Minister Mr. Nay Bhone Latt, Vice Adjutant General of the Ministry of Defence, the National Unity Government of Myanmar Doctor Yinmar and comrade Saw Shar, the vice regional military commander of southern military region. The civilians also warmly welcomed the prime minister and his team.