MANDALAY DIVISION – Locals reported that the atrocious junta carried out airstrike attacks near Htan Pin Kone Village in Madaya Township, the area confronted between the Revolutionary Forces and military junta, on January 9.
The airstrikes were carried out twice at around 11:00 a.m., on January 9.
“There was no harm as the residents evacuated in advance. So far, there have been no reports of damage and causality. The junta’s Mi-35 bombarded twice,” said the Revolutionary Comrade in Madaya Township.
Htan Pin Kone Village is located on the northern part of Kyauk Ta Da Village, where there has been constant fighting in the eastern part of Madaya Township, and is an area controlled by the Revolutionary Forces.
The comrades of People’s Defence Force (PDF) and the junta army had engaged in close combat near Htan Pin Kone Village, and the PDFs were also reported to be firing at night.
“They can even throw stones at each other. Both sides are afraid of airstrike attacks. The sound of gunfire is heard every night. The PDF side is the one who started the shooting,” said a person familiar with the situation.
In addition, the terrorist junta forces burned down U Dein Village on the western part of Madaya Township for the 10th time, on January 9, after they had captured the village
Since the beginning of 2025, the military junta has been carrying out airstrikes continuously, and launched airstrikes on Mogoke Town, on January 8, and Madaya and Singu, on January 9.