MYANMAR – PNFC, PNLO and NMSP-AD jointly announced that they will collaborate with all nationalities including the three northern alliances to eradicate the military dictatorship.
It was announced that they will fight together with the revolutionary forces of the common brother in arms, including the three northern brotherhood alliances to complete abolition of the military dictatorship system, in favour of the people of all ethnicities and in the common process of building a federal union.
“We are announcing that we will work together with all ethnic groups, including the Three Northern Alliances, to abolish the military dictatorship. Now, the troops are taking military training in Northern Shan State and participating individually in the battles. The troops will soon cooperate with each other, including the military,” Khun Wa of the Pa’O National Federal Council (PNFC) said.
PNFC The PNLO and the NMSP-AD are happy and proud that the revolutionary forces, including the three brotherhood alliances have attacked and captured the Northern Shan city of Lashio and the North-eastern Military Headquarters on August 3rd, and they cheerfully welcome the waves of 1027 operations, the achievement and victory of the people’s revolution, and the defeats of the military group, which considers the public as the enemy can clearly be seen, as mentioned in the statement.