MYANMAR – A Nay Pyi Taw source reported that a guarantee letter from the military drafting team will be required for renewing passports so that Myanmar citizens abroad will be required to do military service.
As young people are leaving the country in various forms to avoid conscription, and the number of such young people is in the millions, a guarantee letter from the drafting team will be required for them to renew their passports so that they cannot avoid conscription. It is said that they will need to apply to the drafting team for postponement or exemption and only with a guarantee letter from the team will the embassies renew their passports.
“Instructions to ban people who received the summon from leaving the country and the requirements to have a guarantee letter from the drafting team to renew passport will be released soon,” said the Nay Pyi Taw source.
Although young people can still leave the country without the guarantee from the drafting team at the Yangon and Mandalay International Airports currently, the system will be officially implemented after the issue of related instructions.
In addition, General Maung Maung Aye said at the 1/2025 meeting of the Central Civilian Military Service Team to collect the data of people eligible for military service according to the civilian conscription act by village, ward and township, and to notify the related officials.
He said that all citizens have the duty to defend the country, that there is a need to smoothen the process so that those in the eligible age range are able to serve the determined period, and that the drafting team is implementing the National Service Information Management System (NSIMS) to ensure correct data and ease long-term recording.