SHAN STATE – The terrorist junta council is threatening the people to return to Pekhon at the border of Shan State and Karenni State and one of the civilians who returned died after stepping on a landmine planted by junta forces, reported an official from Pekhon Township People’s Security Force (PSF).
The lobby pages of the terrorist junta council have been posting threatening posts on social media, forcing people to return to Pekhon. The posts mainly contain threats to treat those who don’t return as supporters of the People’s Defence Force (PDF) and conduct daily attacks on villages.
A man from Puchel Village who returned to his house on December 5 after those threats by junta lobbyists was reportedly killed on the spot after he stepped on a landmine planted by terrorist junta forces.
“He stepped on a landmine at Puchel Village. The junta dogs (junta forces) have been saying for a long time that we can return home. He went back yesterday (December 5) to take an item from his home and stepped on the landmine right at his doorstep. He died on the spot with his organs spilling out. The people went back to take items after hearing they can return but there’s only news of the landmine accident,” said the official from Pekhon Township PSF.
The terrorist junta council also carried out repeated air and artillery attacks targeting the villages in Pekhon Township all through November although there was no battle, resulting in the death and injury of multiple civilians including women and children. As such, the official from Pekhon Township PSF urged the people to carefully consider the invite from the terrorist junta council, that has been oppressing the people not sparing the women and children, to return to Pekhon and to thread with care regarding the threats of the junta council.