MANDALAY DIVISION – Five drunk junta policemen including policeman Htet Oo Paing opened fire on civilians in Mandalaytan Ward of Pyawbwel on New Year’s Eve Night but ran away when the people chased and beat them.
At around 8 p.m. on December 31 when the young people were gathered to celebrate New Year’s Eve at Mandalytan Ward, Policeman Htet Oo Paing from Pywabwel Police Station came drunk on a motorcycle (in civilian clothes) and disrupted the celebrations by running his cycle engine to make loud noises. When the young people asked him to stop making the noise, he replied that he didn’t care as he was from the police and cursed out the young people, leading to a verbal confrontation between the two sided and the policeman left on his motorcycle.
Then about 30 minutes after that, five policemen led by Htet Oo Paing returned to the place in three motorcycles and opened fire into the crowd. But after two rounds were fired, the guns jammed and the young men gathered to beat up the policemen, causing the five to run away. It is said that no one was hurt by the gunfire.
When the five policemen ran away, they left behind three motorcycles, ten bullets and a cartridge and it is said that the Police Station Chief from Pyawbwel Police Station and team came to the scene and collected them.