MANDALAY DIVISION – An explosion at the office of the Internal Revenue Department (IRD) in Chan Myar Tharzi Township, Mandalay on the morning of June 15 was said to have wounded a clerk.
The explosion at the Office for the Middle Income of the Internal Revenue Department in Myothit Ward 1, Chan Mya Tharzi Township was said to have gone off at around 10 a.m. on June 15.
It was posted on the social media accounts of the junta forces that two men on a motorcycle came and threw the bomb into the office.
The bomb landed and exploded in the car parking lot near the security gate of the office of the IRD, and hit the leg of a senior clerk from that office. Two cars stopped at the parking lot were said to have been damaged.
It was known that an explosion had occurred near the Myanmar Insurance Office in Chan Aye Tharzan Township on June 10.
The Myanmar Insurance Office is known as one of the income sources for the junta forces, so it was targeted for the attack, as said by the Urban Guerrilla Force.