RAKHINE STATE – WFP said on December 18 that finding rations with its logo in the buildings used by the junta border guard forces in northern Rakhine State is an abuse of humanitarian aid and called it unacceptable.
WFP said it learned of it from news reports and that the exact details cannot be confirmed as they are unable to travel to the region at present. WFP warehouse in Maungtaw was looted and destroyed in June, 2024.
WFP continued that any abuse of humanitarian aid intended for the community is unacceptable as those actions harm the people urgently requiring assistance and urged everyone involved in the conflicts to follow the regulations of international human rights laws.
Humanitarian staff and items are to be protected and the food crisis in Myanmar is getting worse as the situation of starvation and malnutrition has worsened across the country due to the ongoing conflicts and the recent natural disasters, added the WFP.
It is said that during 2024, 1.7 million of the population received assistance from WFP programs for food aid, nutrition and improving resilience. WFP says it is the largest humanitarian program working to rescue lives in emergency situations and provide rehabilitation from the effects of conflicts, natural disasters and climate changes via food aid to build peace, stability and prosperity.