The Shwe Yay Kyun strike column conducted a protest march against the violent military dictatorship in Yanmarpin Township on March 12, where they planned to raise victory flags. The protesters marched in unity carrying anti-military dictatorship banners and flags. The Shwe Yay Kyun strike column has received strong support from local residents and has been actively participating in anti-military dictatorship movements. Participants in the protest carried signs and posters opposing the military dictatorship while chanting slogans for peace and democracy in loud voices.
The leaders of the Shwe Yay Kyun strike column expressed their opposition to the oppression and human rights violations that civilians are suffering under military rule. Protesters demanded the restoration of civilian government and the re-establishment of democracy. They highlighted how people’s daily lives are being negatively impacted under military oppression and how they have lost their freedoms. The participants emphasized that the military regime continues to violate people’s basic human rights and attempts to derail the path to democracy.
The protesters demanded an end to the violence, arbitrary arrests, and unlawful killings being committed against civilians under military rule. They stated that the military dictatorship is violating people’s fundamental human rights and attempting to divert from the path of democracy. The protesters expressed that the people will continue to fight in unity against these oppressive actions. They emphasized that the military council’s ongoing violations of human rights and civilian oppression must be stopped, and that the people remain united in their struggle for the restoration of democracy and civilian rule in Myanmar.