A military checkpoint on the Taungoo bypass road in Bago Region was attacked by members of the Taungoo Township People’s Defense Force (PDF) on the evening of March 7, as confirmed by a PDF official. The attack targeted a military council checkpoint located on the bypass road that circumvents Taungoo city from the old Yangon-Mandalay highway dual carriageway. The operation was carried out by revolutionary forces as part of their ongoing resistance against the military council’s presence in the region.
While casualties were reported on the military council’s side, the exact number of injuries or fatalities could not be immediately verified, according to sources. All revolutionary fighters successfully withdrew to their designated positions after the operation without suffering any casualties. The attack was reportedly conducted in response to the military council’s recent airstrikes on civilian homes in the eastern part of Taungoo, particularly in areas under the control of the Karen National Union’s Brigade 2 territory. The PDF official explained that this operation was specifically planned as a counter-response to the military’s aerial bombardment of civilian areas.
The attack was also strategically designed to disperse the military council’s offensive operations and create multiple fronts, forcing them to spread their resources thin, according to the PDF official. The resistance forces in the Taungoo region have indicated their intention to intensify their operations in response to the military council’s increased offensive actions in the area, particularly focusing on ensuring the safety and security of local civilians who have been facing escalating threats from military operations. The ongoing conflict in the region has seen an uptick in military council aggression, prompting resistance forces to adopt more proactive defensive measures to protect civilian populations.