Revolutionary forces conducted an attack using two hand grenades on the Military Battalion 435 gate located at the border of North and South Okkalapa Townships in Yangon. The attack was jointly carried out by the Freeland Attack Force (FLA) and Yangon Army (YA) at approximately 8:10 PM on March 4. According to reports, the revolutionary forces successfully retreated from the operation without sustaining any casualties.
A local resident reported hearing loud explosions during the attack, followed by the movement of ambulances in the area, suggesting possible casualties among military council troops. However, the exact extent of injuries or casualties could not be immediately verified. The Freeland Attack Force has issued a statement declaring their commitment to continue resisting the military council’s complete control over Yangon city with all their capabilities.
The revolutionary forces maintain a covert presence within Yangon city alongside civilian populations and have pledged to continue their resistance against the military council’s violent administration. They have stated their determination to continue fighting for the liberation of the people with all available resources. These attacks demonstrate the public’s rejection of the military council’s violent rule and their support for the resistance movement. The revolutionary forces emphasize their commitment to preventing the military council from establishing complete control over Yangon while maintaining their presence secretly among the general public.