In Yinmabin Township, Sagaing Region, local residents joined forces with the Youth Power Strike Column to hold an anti-military dictatorship protest march on March 19, marking the third anniversary of Comrade Aung San Htay’s death. Protesters carried photographs of Comrade Aung San Htay and marched peacefully with anti-military dictatorship banners and flags. Comrade Aung San Htay, who was actively involved in anti-military dictatorship movements within Yinmabin Township, fell three years ago on this day.
Participants in the protest carried signs demanding the complete end of the military dictatorship system, the emergence of a federal democratic system, honoring the fallen comrades under the military dictatorship, and expressing support for the people fighting against the authoritarian regime. The protesters also raised their voices condemning the military council’s violence against civilians, arbitrary arrests, and unlawful killings. They chanted slogans denouncing the military council’s oppressive actions against the civilian population.
Yinmabin Township has been a stronghold of anti-military dictatorship activism, with local residents consistently fighting for democracy since the beginning of the military coup. Today’s commemorative protest not only honored the comrades who fell while fighting against the military dictatorship but also reinforced the protesters’ determination to continue the people’s revolution until victory is achieved. The participants reaffirmed their commitment to the ongoing struggle against military rule and their dedication to establishing genuine democracy in Myanmar.