On March 11, revolutionary youth in Yangon conducted a photo campaign calling for the International Labour Organization (ILO) to take action against Myanmar under Article 33. The activists held signs throughout various locations in the city demanding ILO implement Article 33 on Myanmar in 2025, capturing photos to document their campaign.
The primary purpose of this activism was to raise global awareness about the military council’s oppression of Myanmar workers and to urge the ILO to take effective action. The military council has been systematically suppressing labor unions, detaining labor leaders, and violating workers’ rights. The campaign highlighted the urgent need for international intervention to protect workers’ fundamental freedoms, rights, and privileges that are being restricted under military rule.
ILO’s Article 33 represents a mechanism that can be implemented when a member state severely violates workers’ rights, allowing for effective punitive measures to be taken. The revolutionary youth hope that the implementation of this article would lead to increased economic sanctions and international pressure on the military council. The campaign demonstrates the continued resistance against the military council’s oppressive policies and the ongoing struggle to restore workers’ rights and democratic freedoms in Myanmar.