A protest march against the military dictatorship was held today, March 8, in Yinmabin Township, Sagaing Region, by the ‘Our Village Without Savior’ protest column. The peaceful demonstration received strong support from local residents as protesters marched while carrying signs and banners demanding democracy, human rights, and the establishment of a federal union. The protest column represented the voice of local people in their continued resistance against military rule.
Yinmabin Township has been a stronghold of anti-military dictatorship activism since the military coup, with local residents showing united opposition against the military regime. The ‘Our Village Without Savior’ protest column has been consistently organizing demonstrations to represent the voices of local people and maintain momentum in the resistance against military rule. The protesters have been advocating for democratic reforms and calling for an end to the military’s oppression of civilians.
During the demonstration, participants called for the complete end of the military dictatorship, the release of political prisoners, and the restoration of justice and freedom. The protest aimed to highlight the ongoing oppression, human rights violations, and economic hardships that people continue to face under military rule. The demonstration represents the unwavering determination of local residents to resist the military regime and their commitment to achieving genuine democratic reform in Myanmar.