According to statements from People’s Defense Forces (PDF) across Myanmar, six members of the military council forces were killed in various engagements on March 8. These casualties occurred as part of ongoing conflicts throughout the country, resulting from clashes between military council forces and local defense forces. Local PDFs have been actively defending their territories against military council offensive operations in various regions across the country.
While the reports of military casualties have been compiled from various PDF statements and announcements, it should be noted that independent journalists and organizations have not been able to verify these casualties on the ground due to current circumstances. The challenging situation for news gathering operations within the country has made it difficult to independently verify and confirm such information. The reported casualties represent information gathered from resistance forces’ statements and communications.
The military council continues to commit acts of violence against civilians and has been forcing people into military service while using civilian resources for military preparations. Local People’s Defense Forces continue their efforts to protect the security and rights of civilians within their territories. The ongoing conflict reflects the broader struggle between the military council’s oppressive actions and the resistance forces’ efforts to defend civilian populations.