According to statements from People’s Defense Forces (PDF), 21 members of the military council forces were killed in various engagements across Myanmar on March 14. These casualties were reported from battles that occurred in different regions and states throughout the country, based on documentation compiled by local defense forces operating in their respective areas.
The verification of military council casualties is based on direct observations by local People’s Defense Forces, ground reports, and confirmation from local residents. However, it should be noted that independent journalists and observers have not been able to access these conflict areas to independently verify the reported casualties. The reporting of these casualties relies on the documentation and statements provided by resistance forces actively engaged in defending their territories.
According to PDF statements, military council forces continue to commit acts of violence against local civilians, including burning villages, arbitrary arrests, torture, and killings of innocent civilians. As a result, People’s Defense Forces are engaged in defensive operations to protect the lives and property of civilians. The resistance forces emphasize that their military actions are conducted in response to the ongoing violence and oppression perpetrated by military council troops against civilian populations.