On March 13, members of the People’s Defense Force (PDF) Battalion 3 from Ayeyarwady conducted security checks along the old Yangon-Mandalay highway. During these operations, PDF members engaged with local civilians and provided detailed briefings about the current military situation. The security checks prioritized civilian safety while monitoring activities of the military council. The operations focused on ensuring the security of local residents while maintaining vigilance against potential military council movements in the area.
A representative from PDF Battalion 3 explained that during the security checks, they specifically advised civilians to avoid close association with individuals connected to the military council. They provided detailed explanations about safety precautions necessary due to military council activities and issued advance warnings about possible future military developments in the region. The PDF members emphasized the importance of civilian safety and provided comprehensive guidance on security measures that local residents should follow in their daily activities.
Throughout the security operation, PDF forces maintained their primary focus on ensuring civilian safety while implementing preventive measures against potential threats from military council troops. They issued security advisories and practical safety recommendations to help local residents continue their daily activities while remaining vigilant. The operation demonstrated the PDF’s commitment to protecting civilian interests while maintaining necessary security measures in the area. The security checks were conducted purely for military security purposes, with special emphasis on providing civilians with essential information about safety protocols and potential security risks in the region.