MANDALAY DIVISION – It was reported that the Mogok – Mandalay Road which was controlled by the...
SAGAING DIVISION: In Yinmarbin Township, “Aung Lan Hlwint Myi Shwe Yay Kyi Strike Column” and “Yinmarbin- Salingyi...
YANGON DIVISION – Yangon people’s strike campaign groups were said to have distributed packets of chicken rice...
SAGAING DIVISION – A mine attack on a vehicle of the terrorist junta council near Wanpyae Village...
KARENNI STATE- According to Karenni National Defense Force Batallion-9 (KNDF BO9), the 3rd anniversary of the battalion’s...
MANDALAY DIVISION- The Mogok People’s Defense Force, under the command of the Ministry of Defense, National Unity...
BAGO DIVISION – Nyunt Myaing, the armed junta administration officer for Butseinbu Village in Min Hla Township...
RAKHINE STATE – As the rain continued for over 20 days, the water level of Laymyo River...
MYANMAR – After the Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA), known as the Kokang Army and its...
SHAN STATE- TNLA reports that there is a fierce battle against the military in Naungcho Township and...