The People’s Administration Team in Mindat Township has confirmed that more than two thousand various types of landmines planted by the military council forces have been recovered, with more still remaining to be cleared. Ko Yo Man, the Information Officer of the Mindat Township People’s Administration Team, detailed to Yangon Modern Media that the military council troops had planted various types of mines not only around their military bases but also in civilian residential areas during their occupation of Mindat city.
While over two thousand mines have already been cleared, Ko Yo Man warned that there could still be more mines requiring clearance. As a result, the Mindat Township People’s Administration Team has issued a special advisory to civilians returning to Mindat, strongly urging them not to touch or handle any suspicious objects, mines, or explosive devices they might discover in their homes, buildings, or along roadsides. Instead, they are instructed to immediately report such findings to the relevant authorities. This precautionary measure is crucial for ensuring the safety of returning residents, given the extensive mining of civilian areas by the retreating military forces.
The liberation of Mindat city began with Operation CB (Chin Brotherhood Operation) on November 9th, involving a series of urban warfare operations. During this operation, the resistance forces successfully defeated and eliminated Battalion 274, which had been based in Mindat, on December 21st, leading to complete control of the city. However, the military council’s practice of leaving behind extensive minefields during their withdrawal has created significant challenges for civilian resettlement. The ongoing mine clearance operations demonstrate the complex aftermath of the military occupation and the careful process required to make the city safe for returning residents. The People’s Administration Team continues to prioritize the safety of civilians while working to clear these dangerous remnants of the military council’s occupation.