On March 22, the No Turning Back Revolution People’s Strike Column led a protest march against the military dictatorship in Yinmabin Township, Sagaing Region. During the demonstration, local residents demanded the complete end of the military dictatorship and the emergence of a federal democratic system. Protesters peacefully marched while carrying anti-dictatorship signs and flags to express their opposition to military rule.
The No Turning Back Revolution People’s Strike Column is an organization that continuously works against the military dictatorship and has gained strong support from local residents. Through such protests, they have been able to demonstrate their opposition to the military regime. Participants in the protest called for an end to the military council’s violence against civilians and demanded the release of those who have been detained.
Yinmabin Township is one of the areas within Sagaing Region where anti-military dictatorship movements remain strong. Local residents are actively participating in united opposition to the military dictatorship and supporting pro-democracy movements. Through these protests, they have been able to express the public’s stance against the military dictatorship system. The demonstration reflects the ongoing resistance of Myanmar’s people against military rule and their unwavering commitment to achieving genuine democracy in the country.