Following an attack on the military council’s checkpoint in Sitpin on the Yangon-Pyay road in Bago Region, the military has imposed strict nighttime travel restrictions and issued shoot-on-sight orders. On March 20, members of Battalion 3802 Division 2 from Thayarwaddy District launched an attack on the military council’s checkpoint near Ohtwin village in Sitpin town, Minhla Township, resulting in the death of eight military council soldiers. In response to this attack, starting from March 22, the military council has implemented severe restrictions on movement along the Yangon-Pyay highway, completely prohibiting civilian travel through checkpoints between 6 PM and 6 AM, with orders to shoot at any suspicious activity.
During the attack, military council soldiers fled into Sitpin town while raising white flags, which angered military officials. As a result, a captain from the Minhla Township General Administration Office has been arrested and is being investigated for dereliction of duty. Currently, military council soldiers at Light Infantry Battalion 1 based in Seikanthlan village, Minhla Township, are fearful of potential PDF attacks and have begun constructing additional sentry posts around their battalion headquarters. They are also building more bunkers within the town. The military has increased security measures at checkpoints and issued warnings to village administrators in the area.
According to local sources, the military council has significantly tightened security in the region following the attack on the Sitpin checkpoint. They have increased troop presence at checkpoints and intensified their surveillance activities. The military council has become increasingly concerned about the movements of People’s Defense Force units in the area, leading to more frequent nighttime shooting incidents and stricter patrol and inspection procedures. These nighttime travel restrictions have severely impacted the daily lives and economic activities of local residents, particularly creating difficulties for emergency situations. Local communities report that the military’s heightened security measures have created an atmosphere of fear and uncertainty in the region, with increased scrutiny of civilian movements and more aggressive enforcement of restrictions at checkpoints.