A new military recruit from Infantry Battalion 259, who was forcibly conscripted by the military council in Monywa, Sagaing Region, has defected to the revolutionary forces. The soldier defected on March 8 by making contact with the People’s Defense Force (PDF) in Pakokku District after leaving Infantry Battalion 259 in Seikphyu Township.
The recruit, who is from Monywa Township, was forcibly conscripted by military council troops on November 5, 2024, while returning from work in downtown Monywa. He was subsequently sent to the Non-Commissioned Officer and Staff Sergeant Training School (Ba Htoo) where he underwent military training for two and a half months as part of Training Batch 8. He sought an opportunity to escape while attending a refresher course and made contact with revolutionary forces to defect.
When defecting, he did not bring any weapons or ammunition with him and directly contacted the revolutionary forces. He has expressed his intention to join a People’s Defense Force unit and fight back against the military council. Currently, he is being safely held and well-cared for by revolutionary forces. The Pakokku District PDF has announced that they will warmly welcome any other military council soldiers who wish to defect in the future.