MYANMAR- People’s Defense Army Minbu District Batallion No. (3) under the command of the Ministry of Defense NUG announced that the open season( summer with good weather) is coming and to be ready for the junta offensives, military preparation such as lifesaving armory and ammunition are needed.
As the weather gets better and the military tension is about to rise, we called for the people to support the PDFs in the frontline with bulletproof helmets, bulletproof armor, and vests so that lives are not lost unnecessarily.
“In addition to providing long-term military training, we are also supporting the local medical students until they get their degrees,” said the officer in charge of Minbu District People’s Liberation Force Battalion (3)- Saytutarra.
The batch-5 of basic military training graduation and uniform fitting ceremony of Minbu District Battalion (3) was reportedly held last October 30.
There is a request to help protect the lives of PDF soldiers who are risking their lives to protect the people. For those who want to participate and support Minbu PDF, one can contact the battalion’s social network page as follows.
https://www.facebook.com/100080038587871/videos/488616560904019/?cft[0]=AZW3yB7pBTKDqC5b0pcFwCuKtdfV7f1xi8Wl6Yjm3BEf2Ln3EzNAPlylhAiJquEVB8RKE2-OeTWbZdc ERdkHsTJRoPXN_2YQbxQctAC9r9LQnRRGMuiAqAlYO5zy2esR9dYNwBxapOPkp9lvbnXwgYkX49FKGoNPtIKbgPXA8EunPzB5-WfRP5CArZexJJAJi-zmlKPbgXRTGhkEOAkt465a&tn=%2CO%2CP-R