Military council leader Min Aung Hlaing has been implementing a divide-and-rule strategy within the military by promoting officers based on loyalty rather than seniority, leading to multiple factions among top military leaders according to military sources in Naypyidaw. Since late 2023, he has been transferring both military and civilian duties from Vice Senior General Soe Win to junior generals who are loyal to him.
The responsibilities of Vice Senior General Soe Win have been transferred to Lieutenant General Kyaw Swar Lin, a graduate of Defense Services Academy batch 35, who was promoted to become the military’s third-highest position as Joint Chief of Staff. He now reports directly to Min Aung Hlaing regarding military operations and administration. Additionally, Soe Win’s office has been physically relocated away from Min Aung Hlaing’s office.
Regarding the factions within the military, Council Joint Secretary General Ye Win Oo and General Maung Maung Aye are related through marriage, while General Maung Maung Aye and General Mya Tun Oo are close friends from the same academy batch. As a result, Min Aung Hlaing removed General Maung Maung Aye from his position as Joint Chief of Staff and reassigned him as Minister of Defense.
Lieutenant General Yar Pyae, who was a batch mate of Vice Senior General Soe Win, was also transferred from Minister of Home Affairs to Minister of Border Affairs. Min Aung Hlaing’s management style focuses on appointing loyal subordinates rather than promoting based on merit. He has also changed the security arrangements for former dictator Than Shwe and keeps close surveillance on senior generals and former military officers who remain loyal to Than Shwe.