A spokesperson from the 925 Guerrilla Force (Nganzun) has confirmed that military council soldiers were killed in a drone strike targeting their camp in Htun Tha village, Nganzun Township, Mandalay Region. The attack, which occurred around 11 AM on March 6, involved resistance forces dropping three bombs on the military council camp, which housed approximately 50 personnel. The operation was carried out using fixed-wing drones, resulting in significant casualties among military council troops, though exact numbers could not be immediately verified.
The coordinated attack was jointly conducted by multiple resistance groups, including the 925 Guerrilla Force (Nganzun), Nganzun Township PDF, Ayeyarma Python Guerrilla Force, Fight For Freedom Drone Team, and Zeya Shwe Myay Group. The resistance forces successfully deployed two fixed-wing drones in the operation, achieving their tactical objectives without sustaining any casualties. The attacking forces were able to safely withdraw from the area after completing their mission. The military camp, which had been established as a fixed position with approximately 50 personnel, suffered significant damage during the assault.
Local residents in Nganzun Township have been warned to remain vigilant against potential airstrikes, as the military council continues to conduct aerial attacks targeting civilian areas. The resistance forces have emphasized the importance of maintaining awareness of air threats, as the military council’s indiscriminate bombing campaigns have resulted in civilian casualties and created an increasingly precarious security situation in the region. The ongoing aerial attacks by military council forces have significantly impacted the safety and daily lives of local communities, forcing many to remain constantly alert to the threat of air raids.