According to sources from Myanmar Oil and Chemical Enterprise, the military council has ordered a five-fold increase in ammonium nitrate production from fertilizer factories across the country to manufacture high-explosive weapons and bombs for their offensive operations against revolutionary forces nationwide. The military council is demanding increased production of ammonium nitrate, a key component in the manufacture of drone bombs, aircraft bombs, cluster bombs, and artillery shells, at five times the normal production rate. Ammonium nitrate is a crucial chemical compound in the production of explosives and can only be primarily manufactured at fertilizer plants.
According to a source from Myanmar Oil and Chemical Enterprise, all fertilizer factories across the country have been ordered to increase ammonium nitrate production by five times, with all output being directly sent to military weapons manufacturing facilities. The military council has also revived Fertilizer Plant No. 3 (Kyawswa), which had been shut down since 2010 due to natural gas shortages, and since August 2023 has been using it to increase production of ammonium nitrate raw materials for bombs and high-explosive artillery shells.
Currently, the military council is operating Fertilizer Plant No. 1 (Sale), Fertilizer Plant No. 2 (Kyunchaung), Fertilizer Plant No. 3 (Kyawswa), Fertilizer Plant No. 4 (Myaungdaga), and Fertilizer Plant No. 5 (Kangyidaunt) at full capacity to increase ammonium nitrate production for manufacturing high-explosive bombs and artillery shells. This increase in ammonium nitrate production is aimed at expanding the manufacturing of heavy weapons and various types of bombs to suppress revolutionary forces across the country.