The military council has forcibly demolished more than 80 houses along the Mandalay-Mattaya road in Kwa Ni Kan village, Patheingyi Township, Mandalay Region, using excavators and bulldozers under the pretext of road expansion. According to an official from MDY Revolution, the demolition was carried out by over 50 military personnel over three days from March 4 to March 6, systematically destroying homes on both the eastern and western sides of the main road. The operation was conducted without any prior notice to local residents, who were caught completely off guard by the sudden destruction of their homes.
During the demolition, residents were not allowed to salvage their belongings, resulting in significant material losses for the affected families. The military personnel prevented homeowners from collecting their possessions before the destruction began, leading to the complete loss of personal property and valuable items. Many families have been forced to seek temporary shelter with relatives, facing severe difficulties in relocating and establishing new living arrangements. Additionally, the military personnel threatened and arrested individuals who attempted to document the demolition by taking photographs, further suppressing documentation of their actions.
The forced demolition has severely disrupted the daily lives of local residents, causing not only the loss of their homes but also affecting their livelihoods. Most households had been living in the area for many years before being forcibly evicted, resulting in the separation of families and creating significant challenges for their basic survival needs. The military council’s actions have violated the human rights of the residents, and there has been no justice or compensation provided for those who lost their homes. The affected communities continue to face uncertainty about their future, with no clear resolution or support system in place to address their displacement and losses.