The military council has forcibly demolished more than 80 houses along the Mandalay-Mattaya road in Kwa Ni Kan village, Patheingyi Township, Mandalay Region, claiming the land belongs to the road. According to a representative from MDY Revolution, the military forces used excavators and bulldozers to destroy homes on both the eastern and western sides of the main road. The demolition operation was carried out over three days from March 4 to March 6, with more than 50 military personnel participating in the systematic destruction of civilian homes.
The military council conducted these demolitions without any prior notice to the residents, preventing them from removing their belongings before the destruction began. This has resulted in significant losses for the affected families, who were unable to salvage their possessions. During the demolition, some civilians who attempted to document the destruction by taking photographs were detained, while armed Pyu Saw Htee members threatened others to prevent them from recording the incident. The military’s actions have been characterized as a deliberate act of oppression against civilians, with no legal justification provided for the sudden demolition of long-established homes.
The affected families, many of whom had lived in these homes for generations, are now facing severe displacement issues and have lost valuable household items and personal possessions. Local residents report that these families are currently seeking shelter with relatives, living in uncertainty about their future. The military council’s actions have created a humanitarian crisis in the area, with displaced families expressing deep concern about their future living situations and the stability of their community. The destruction of these homes represents another instance of the military council’s ongoing campaign of civilian oppression, leaving families without homes and proper compensation for their losses.