In Kanbalu Township, Sagaing Region, resistance forces successfully intercepted and attacked two vehicles carrying military council troops, resulting in casualties among military personnel and the capture and destruction of one FAW vehicle. The incident occurred around 6:30 AM on March 3rd, when the resistance forces targeted a military convoy traveling eastward along the Zikone-Malae road from the Zikone Sugar Factory. The convoy, which included members of the military council and Pyu Saw Htee militia, was ambushed near the eastern part of Nattaung village.
The attack began with an initial mine assault on the two-vehicle convoy, consisting of one FAW truck and one ten-wheeler truck. Following the explosive attack, intense fighting broke out between the resistance forces and military troops. During the engagement, the military council suffered casualties, and the resistance forces managed to capture one FAW vehicle, which they subsequently destroyed by setting it on fire. A representative from Battalion 4 of the Kanbalu District confirmed these details to local media sources.
The operation was carried out through coordination between Kanbalu District Battalion 4 and PDF forces. After the successful attack, all resistance fighters were able to withdraw safely from the area without sustaining any casualties. According to local residents, the region has experienced frequent military council operations, characterized by violence against civilians and looting, which has necessitated such defensive actions by resistance forces. The continued presence of military council troops in the area has been a source of concern for local communities, who have faced ongoing harassment and intimidation from these forces.