In an incident that occurred in Gyobingauk Township, Bago Region, Corporal Zeyar Htet from the military, who was disguising himself as a civilian while conducting surveillance on People’s Defense Force (PDF) camps, was shot dead while attempting to escape after being captured by resistance forces. The details of this incident were disclosed by Commander Ko Karen Lay of Battalion 3801, Company 1, of the People’s Defense Force in Thayarwady District.
On March 15, during the afternoon hours, resistance fighters conducting patrol operations near Uyin Gyi village in Gyobingauk Township encountered and apprehended Corporal Zeyar Htet, who was pretending to be a civilian collecting trash while actually gathering intelligence on PDF camp locations. During his capture, the resistance forces confiscated a mobile phone from him and were in the process of examining its contents when the corporal attempted to escape from custody.
As resistance forces pursued the fleeing corporal, he was shot during the capture attempt near the strategic road section close to Uyin Gyi village, resulting in his death. It was revealed that Corporal Zeyar Htet had been actively involved in the persecution of civilians in Gyobingauk Township, including acts of torture and forced extortion of money from local residents. During the incident, the resistance forces seized his mobile phone and motorcycle. The commander of the PDF unit emphasized that the military’s oppression of civilians would soon come to an end and asked the public for continued patience during this period of resistance against the military regime.