A military column was attacked with mines in Gyobingauk Township, Bago Region, resulting in the death of three soldiers and injuries to seven others, according to a responsible official from the Thayarwaddy District PDF. During the attack, which occurred on the morning of March 8, the military forcibly detained local civilians to use as human shields and to carry their dead and wounded soldiers.
The incident took place when a military column of approximately 50 personnel, advancing through farmlands near Yonechaung village in Gyobingauk Township, reached the Uyin Gyi-Yonechaung communication road. Members of the Thayarwaddy District Battalion 3802, Unit 6 Black Dragon GBK-PDF ambushed the column with mines. The attack resulted in three soldiers being killed instantly and seven others sustaining severe injuries. Following the attack, the military forcibly took civilians from Yonechaung village to carry their dead and wounded soldiers, using them as human shields during their retreat.
According to the Thayarwaddy District PDF, the military column had advanced from their Alaykon camp towards Yonechaung village before retreating after the attack. The exact number of civilians detained remains unknown, and investigations are ongoing. The PDF has warned local residents to avoid areas where military columns are operating, as the military continues to use civilians as human shields. The Thayarwaddy District Battalion 3802, Unit 6 Black Dragon GBK-PDF has announced that they will continue their offensive operations against the military forces.