On March 22, a strong public protest against the military dictatorship was held in Longlone Township, Dawei District, led by the Democracy Movement Strike Committee (DDMSC). This demonstration served as a testament to the unified strength of public forces in the resistance against the military dictatorship and reflected the local population’s opposition to the military regime. The protest brought together a significant number of participants, including women, youth, and local residents, who joined forces to demonstrate their resistance against military rule.
The mass protest movement was characterized by strong participation from various segments of society, with protesters united in their goal of dismantling the military dictatorship and establishing people’s power. Such public demonstrations play a crucial role in the resistance against the military regime, helping to maintain the spirit of unity and defiance among the civilian population. The protest highlighted the ongoing determination of the people to oppose the military council’s oppressive rule and their commitment to the restoration of democratic governance.
The Democracy Movement Strike Committee continues to systematically organize anti-military dictatorship activities, working to protect people’s rights and striving for the restoration of democracy. This public protest in Longlone Township is part of the broader nationwide movement against military dictatorship, and the active participation of the public demonstrates that opposition to the military regime remains strong. The protest represents the ongoing struggle of Myanmar’s people against military rule and their unwavering commitment to establishing a democratic system that truly serves the interests of the people rather than those of the military council.