Revolutionary forces led by the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA) have successfully captured the military council’s Khlay Day camp near the Thai-Myanmar border in Karen National Union (KNU) Brigade 7 territory, Hlaingbwe Township, Karen State, according to KNLA sources. The final capture of the camp occurred at 4 PM on March 25, following a military operation that began on the evening of March 22. After the battle concluded, at approximately 7:30 PM, the military council conducted aerial bombardments of the area.
The operation to capture Khlay Day camp was personally led by the KNLA Brigade 7 Commander, with participation from Battalion 22 and allied revolutionary forces. During the battle, military council troops fled in two separate groups, with revolutionary forces pursuing the fleeing soldiers. The revolutionary forces managed to seize various weapons and ammunition during the operation, though they also suffered some casualties. According to military sources, the battle was intense, with military council troops abandoning their positions in disarray. The revolutionary forces maintained tactical superiority throughout the engagement, despite facing aerial attacks from the military council in the evening hours.
Due to the ongoing conflicts in the border region, the Thai military has increased security measures along the border, with the Royal Thai Air Force conducting surveillance missions using F-16 fighter jets. Previously, on March 14, revolutionary forces had also successfully captured the military council’s Pu Lu Tu camp in KNU Brigade 7 territory near the Thai-Myanmar border. In that operation, twelve military council personnel were killed, while eleven managed to escape into Thai territory, according to a statement released by the Karen National Union. These successive victories represent significant advances for the revolutionary forces in their ongoing struggle against the military council’s presence in the border regions.