KACHIN STATE- According to KIA’s military source, the KIA attacked and completely occupied the militia camp under the terrorist junta army near Lagwat village in the Panwa region, Chiphwe Township.
On September 6, around 8:40 a.m., the Kachin Independence Army (KIA) reportedly attacked and captured a militia camp under the control of the terrorist army at the intersection of Lagway-Phare road near Lagway village.
Militias affiliated with the terrorist army were reportedly killed during the battle. The death tolls, confiscated weapons, and ammunition are still under verification.
“KIA attacked and completely captured a junta’s militia camp at the intersection of Lagwai and Phare road near Lagwai Village, Panwa region, this morning (September 6). The list of militia deaths and the list of weapons and ammunition are not yet known in detail” stated the KIA’s military source.