The resistance forces have confirmed that Colonel Zin Myoe Oo, Deputy Commander of the military council’s 33rd Division, was wounded during a battle in the Mingun area of Sagaing Township, Sagaing Region, and his phone was seized by revolutionary forces, according to a statement from the Unicorn Guerrilla Force. In the battle that occurred on March 11, seven soldiers from the military council’s forces were killed, and several others, including Colonel Zin Myoe Oo, were wounded.
Revolutionary forces have obtained crucial intelligence from Colonel Zin Myoe Oo’s seized mobile phone, including evidence of social misconduct by another high-ranking military officer involving a school-aged girl. However, due to security concerns, other important information cannot be disclosed at this time, according to the Unicorn Guerrilla Force.
The battle involved joint operations by multiple resistance groups including the Unicorn Guerrilla Force, Thwei Li Ka Li Strike and Production Force, ACID People’s Defense Force (Wetlet), Sagaing PDF, Mingun PDF, Taw Twin Twat Pi, People’s Service Force, Phoenix Sagaing, Royal Falcon Guerrilla Force, and Inn Thar Lay Artillery Force. Four resistance fighters sustained non-life-threatening injuries during the operation. This battle represents a successful operation by revolutionary forces in the Sagaing region, resulting in not only wounding a top military council officer but also securing important intelligence information.