On March 8, the Daung Thwe Ni (Red Blood Hawks) strike column conducted a protest march against the military dictatorship in Yinmabin Township, Sagaing Region. The protest aimed to demonstrate opposition to the military regime and call for the restoration of civilian power. The protesters peacefully marched while carrying signs demanding democracy, human rights, and justice.
The Daung Thwe Ni strike column received support from local residents in the township as they demonstrated against the oppression faced under military rule. Participants in the protest called for an end to the military council’s arbitrary arrests, violence, and human rights violations. They also demanded the immediate release of political prisoners and the restoration of genuine democracy in the country. The protesters highlighted the military council’s brutal actions against civilians and called for international intervention to address the ongoing crisis.
The protest by the Daung Thwe Ni strike column demonstrated the unity and strong determination of people resisting the military dictatorship. The peaceful demonstration succeeded in bringing attention to the military council’s brutal actions against civilians while maintaining a non-violent approach. The protesters effectively voiced their demands for justice and called on the international community to provide assistance in their struggle against military rule. The protest represented the continued resistance of Myanmar’s people against oppression and their unwavering commitment to restoring democratic governance.