MON STATE – The completion ceremony for the Basic Military Training held by Mon Liberation Army (MLA)...
English – General
CHIN STATE- Burmese Nursing and Midwifery Training Council and Ministry of Health and Sports (MOHS) of the...
MYANMAR: The Training Squadron, the headquarter office, Burma People’s Liberation Army (BPLA) was said to have organised...
SHAN STATE – Local resistance sources reported that the Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA) released around...
SAGAING DIVISION – Aung Lan Hlwint Myi Shwe Yay Kyi Strike Column from Yinmabin Township was said...
SAGAING DIVISION: In Yinmarbin Township, “Lunge Ahmarn Strike Column” was known to have led a revolutionary rally...
MANDALAY DIVISION – Phyo Thandar Aung, the junta-appointed administration officer for Maygagiri Ward who has been forcibly...
MANDALAY DIVISION – An official from the ground truth news team in Singu township said that one...
MYANMAR – The News and Information Officer of the No. 3601 PDF Battalion of Pyay District said...
MANDALAY DIVISION – An official of the Wetlet Informational Network said that the terrorist army bombarded the...