MAGWAY DIVISION - An official of Minbu District Battalion 1 said that the terrorist junta...
English – General
UNITED STATES – Dr. Zaw Wai Soe, Mr. Tin Lin Aung, ministers of National Unity...
MAGWAY DIVISION - There were two bomb blasts at the house of Tha Dwe Aung,...
KAREN STATE - The terrorist junta forces abandoned three outposts near Balaldo Village in Myawaddy...
SAGAING DIVISION - The terrorist junta council forces brutally murdered six civilians in Sipar Village,...
One civilian killed and another injured in Kyondoe Township due to junta army's heavy weapons firing
KAREN STATE - Karen National Union (Headquarter) issued a statement that one civilian was killed...
KACHIN STATE - After KIA seized control of Panwah Town, China shut down the border...
KAREN STATE: Karen Civilians were known to have warmly welcomed the coalition forces of Karen...
MANDALAY DIVISION - There is fierce fighting near Tonekone Village in Madaya Township and the...
SAGAING DIVISION: In Salingyi township, "Salingyi Township People's Administration Body (PAB)" and "5/Letpadaung Mountain Main...