TANINTHARYI DIVISION: The revolutionary youths from Dawei District Democracy Movement Strike Committee (DDMSC) were known to have...
Kyaw Kyaw, Tha Din
MAGWAY DIVISION – The terrorist junta forces of Thar Gyi Taung and Kyat Htoe police stations in...
SHAN STATE-The TNLA reported that clashes continue in Naung Cho Township, Shan State, as the military attempts...
KACHIN STATE- Kachin military news source said that junta troops who retreated from camp while Light Infantry...
SAGAING DIVISION- A protest of villages of Northern part of Yinmarbin Township held a march against the...
CHIN STATE- Mindat CDF released a statement on August 21 that there will be battles anytime due...
TANINTHARYI DIVISION – The junta forces at a checkpoint on the Dawei-Myeik Road in Thayetchaung Township murdered...
MYANMAR: It was known that the completion ceremony of batch (2) basic military training by Nagarni Military...
“Aung Lan Lwint Myi Daung Thway Ni” Strike Column marches and protests against military dictatorship
“Aung Lan Lwint Myi Daung Thway Ni” Strike Column marches and protests against military dictatorship
SAGAING DIVISION – It was reported that “Aung Lan Lwint Myi Daung Thway Ni” Strke Column of...
SAGAING DIVISION – “Aung Lan Lwint Myi Shwe Yay Kyi” Public Strike Column staged a protest in...