On March 4, a large public protest against the military dictatorship was successfully organized in Longlone Township, Tanintharyi Region, led by the Democracy Movement Strike Committee (DDMSC). The protesters peacefully marched while carrying banners with messages calling for the establishment of people’s power and resistance against the dictatorial system. The demonstration saw significant participation from local residents, women, and youth who joined together in solidarity against military rule.
The protesters expressed their strong opposition to the various forms of oppression, human rights violations, economic deterioration, and security concerns that citizens have been enduring under military rule. They demonstrated their support for the complete elimination of the military dictatorship, the establishment of a federal democratic system, and showed solidarity with the National Unity Government (NUG). Local residents provided security support for the protest and assisted participants with water and food supplies, showing the strong community backing for the anti-dictatorship movement.
Longlone Township has been an active center of anti-military dictatorship activities, with the Democracy Movement Strike Committee (DDMSC) systematically organizing resistance efforts in the region. Through this peaceful demonstration, the people were able to clearly show their opposition to the military dictatorship and demonstrate their unity in the struggle for democracy. The protest highlighted the continued resistance of Myanmar’s people against military rule and their unwavering commitment to achieving genuine democratic reform in the country.