The abbot of a monastery in Kyauk Kwin village, Hpapun Township, Karen State, has passed away following an unprovoked aerial bombardment by the military council forces. According to local residents, Venerable Bhaddanta Visudha was killed when military aircraft attacked the monastery on the evening of March 5, despite there being no active fighting in the area. The attack appeared to deliberately target the religious compound, with no armed resistance forces present in the vicinity at the time of the bombing.
During the attack, military aircraft strafed the monastery with machine gun fire before dropping bombs, resulting in the abbot’s death from bomb fragment injuries. Additionally, two other monks sustained severe injuries and were rushed to Hpa-An city for emergency medical treatment. Local sources confirmed that the abbot’s funeral was hastily conducted on March 6 due to the circumstances. The monastery compound suffered extensive damage in the aerial assault, with significant destruction to its buildings and religious structures.
Local residents have expressed grave concern over the military council’s willingness to target religious buildings and members of the Buddhist clergy. Human rights observers have noted that such deliberate attacks on religious institutions constitute war crimes. The incident has highlighted the military council’s continued use of disproportionate force against civilian targets, including sacred sites that should be protected under international humanitarian law. The two injured monks are currently receiving medical care in Hpa-An, though their conditions are reported to be serious following the attack that occurred without any military provocation or justification.