MANDALAY DIVISION: It was known that a revolutionary rally had been led by Dr. Tayzar Sann and the civilians in Mandalay to intensify the the “No” boycott.
It is needed to intensify the public civil disobedience movement and “No” boycott, (Boycott and Social Punishment) movements that have been started since the revolution happened. “No” Boycott, as the civilians already understand, means not accepting the atrocious junta’s group by the whole civilians, not joining with them, not following the instructions, not paying taxes, not using the products and services manufactured and provided by the junta’s army, not to buy them, not to carry them, not to sell them, and not to accept any pillars of the junta’s council, etc.
It also means that civilians hold “No” to make the power maniac extremely shocked, such as not accepting the sham election planned to organize by the fascist army, not to vote, ect. The revolutionary civilians do not mean only those who are armed nor who are in a free region from the junta’s council but they mean anyone regardless of urban dwellers, rural residents, in county and abroad, age, and gender. All the civilians themselves can join the “No” boycott to eradicate the fascist army.
Dr. Tay Zar Sann said that along with one wave after another, which are being intensified, public battles and public movements need to be highly performed. All the civilians need to respond instead of being patient to the power maniac people, and all the civilians need to join the civil disobedience movement to revolt against the junta’s regime.