BAGO DIVISION – BTZM GBK PDF reported that a junta hundred-household chief from Gyobinkauk Township in western Bago Division who challenged the PDF was shot dead.
49 years old Hundred-household Chief Myint Tin from Ngwetukyaw Village, Yonechaw Village Tract, eastern Gyobinkauk Township was arrested inside his house on August 23 around 8 p.m. but he ran away and was shot two times.
“We called his name from in front of his house and he ran away through the back door, so we shot at him. He was hit in the head and right shoulder and died on the spot,” said Company Commander Tayza Min of BTZM GBK PDF.
He added that several junta and Pyu Saw Htee forces arrived at the village on August 24 morning and ordered the villagers to arrange for the body to be sent to the hospital.
The hundred-household chief had conscripted soldiers for the junta council, extorted the residents and challenged the PDF to come to him anytime.
The attack was carried out by BTZM BGK PDF and Battalion 3802, Company 1 (Dragon Brothers).
Junta Administration Officer Kyaukdoh from Chaungkhaung Village, Chaungkhaung Village Tract, Paungde Township was similarly shot dead recently on August 20 by Paungde Township People’s Defence Organisation (PDO) and Pakkhaung PDO.