In Nyaung-U Township, Mandalay Region, resistance forces conducted two separate mine attacks on military council convoys, resulting in the death of 5 military council soldiers, according to a representative from the Bagan Bogyoke Cho group. On March 16, revolutionary forces targeted a military convoy consisting of two armored vehicles and two military trucks traveling from the Bagan Nyaung-U area toward Chauk town. The attack took place along the Bagan Nyaung-U-Chauk road section.
In the first attack, one military council soldier was killed and four others were injured, while the resistance forces successfully retreated without any casualties. Later that evening, when military council forces sent out vehicles for patrol operations, resistance forces launched a second mine attack, resulting in the death of four more military council soldiers, according to battle reports. The attacks demonstrated the effectiveness of resistance operations in the area.
Rakha, the leader of the Bagan Bogyoke Cho group, confirmed the success of both operations along the Bagan Nyaung-U-Chauk road section, verifying the military council’s casualties in detail. He also mentioned that local civilians had been warned to avoid areas where fighting was taking place. Currently, resistance forces are closely monitoring the increased military council movement in and around the Bagan Nyaung-U area. The successful operations highlight the ongoing resistance efforts against military council forces in the region.