According to local sources, the military council’s brutal operations in Yesagyo Township, Magway Region, have resulted in the deaths of 18 innocent civilians and the destruction of nearly 400 homes. On March 2nd at 6:30 AM, approximately 200 soldiers from Pakokku Division 101 and Yesagyo-based battalions 256, 257, and 258 entered Myaysunhtaw village in the river island area and systematically burned down houses within the village.
The military forces continued their destruction until March 4th in Myaysunhtaw village, burning over 270 houses. On March 5th, they moved to Zayapni village where they destroyed 68 houses, and later proceeded to Thagaung Lei village, burning more than 20 houses. In total, more than 358 homes were destroyed by fire. The military council forces also brutally killed elderly residents and civilians during their operation.
Among those killed were U Han Tin (over 70 years old), U Htay Myint (60), U Thanmani (88), Daw Than Pyay (60), Daw Hla Ngwe (86), U Kyaw Htay (67), U Aung Myint (69), Ko Thant Zin (35), and Ko Aung Linn Naing (40) from Myaysunhtaw village. Additionally, U Nyunt Wai (70) and U San Win (50) from Malaka Chan village, U Chit Maung (65) from Thagaung Lei village, U Than Min Hlaing (42), U Ohn (91), and Daw San Wai (70) from Thagaung village proper, along with three unidentified civilians, were killed according to local residents.
Currently, the military council forces are returning to the villages they previously burned, using light trucks to systematically loot civilian property and transport it to Mintha and Pyusawthi villages. They have also raided Bisapkone village and continue to plunder residents’ belongings. A representative from the Yesagyo Township Info Committee confirmed that the military forces continue to raid villages in the Yesagyo area, making regular trips between the villages and Mintha village while looting civilian properties.