In Nyaung-U Township, Mandalay Region, resistance forces conducted two separate mine attacks on military council convoys, resulting in the death of five military council soldiers, according to a spokesperson from the Bagan Byoe Choe group. The attacks occurred on March 16 along the road connecting Bagan-Nyaung-U to Chauk. The first attack targeted a military convoy consisting of two armored vehicles and two military trucks, while the second attack was directed at military forces conducting patrol operations in the area.
During the first attack, one military council soldier was killed and four others were injured. The resistance forces successfully retreated from the area without suffering any casualties. In the second attack, which took place later that evening, four additional military council soldiers were killed. These attacks effectively disrupted military council movements along the Bagan-Nyaung-U to Chauk road corridor. The resistance forces reported that both operations achieved their tactical objectives of limiting military council mobility in the region.
Rakha, the commander from the Bagan Byoe Choe group, explained that these attacks were carried out to control and restrict military council operations in the area. He further stated that such resistance operations would continue as long as the military council persists in committing acts of violence and oppression against local civilians. The commander emphasized that these defensive actions were necessary to protect the lives and property of civilians, and that fighting would likely continue as the resistance forces maintain their commitment to defending local communities from military council aggression.