The Daung Thwe Ni (Red Peacock Blood) Strike Column conducted a protest march against the military dictatorship in Yinmabin Township on March 15. Local residents and youth participated in the demonstration, raising their voices for democracy, human rights, and justice while opposing the military dictatorship. The strike column marched systematically through the town’s streets, carrying anti-dictatorship signboards and victory flags during their protest.
The protesters expressed their opposition to the oppression, human rights violations, economic decline, and security deterioration that civilians are experiencing under military rule. They demanded an end to the violent crackdowns, arbitrary arrests, torture, and killings of civilians that have occurred since the military coup. The demonstrators also called for the restoration of democracy, the establishment of a federal union, and the achievement of genuine peace. The protest highlighted the ongoing struggles of the people against military oppression and their determination to continue fighting for their rights and freedoms.
The Daung Thwe Ni Strike Column’s protest concluded peacefully and received support from local residents. The participants pledged to continue their united movement against the military dictatorship. Protest leaders stated that anti-dictatorship activities in Yinmabin Township would continue until the people’s revolution succeeds. The demonstration reflected the unwavering spirit of resistance among the local population and their commitment to opposing military rule through peaceful means while standing firm in their demands for the restoration of civilian governance and democratic rights.