In Letpan Hla village of Sintguu Township, Mandalay Region, an airstrike by the military council forces has resulted in the death of 27 civilians. Among the deceased, some bodies were severely damaged, and search operations are continuing for remaining bodies. According to the spokesperson of the Sintguu Township People’s Defense Force, the death toll is expected to rise. The airstrike has caused panic among local residents, with some fleeing to safer locations.
In Moebye Township, bordering Karenni State, revolutionary alliance forces engaged with military council troops who had entered the area. The Karenni National Defense Force (KNDF) reported that 15 military council soldiers were killed in the clash. The resistance forces also seized 9 weapons, while the military council troops retreated from the area. No casualties were reported on the resistance forces’ side during the engagement.
In Sagaing Region, revolutionary alliance forces intercepted military council troops returning from a supply mission in Shwebo town. During the ambush, a military vehicle veered off the road. All soldiers fled the scene, abandoning their vehicle and fuel barrels, which were subsequently seized by the resistance forces. These ongoing conflicts have led to food shortages and security concerns among local civilians in the affected areas.