People’s Defense Forces successfully conducted a drone strike against Military Council troops hiding in Ye-U town, Sagaing Region, resulting in casualties on the military side. According to a responsible official from the Ye-U Township People’s Defense Force, the attack took place at approximately 8:28 AM on March 10, targeting Military Council soldiers and Pyu Saw Htee members who were taking shelter inside the Megawon Monastery in Shwepyithar Ward, Ye-U town. While the exact number of casualties among the Military Council troops could not be confirmed, the operation was reported to have caused damage to the military forces.
The Military Council troops in Ye-U Township have been terrorizing local civilians, occupying their homes, and forcibly confiscating or destroying their property. In response, People’s Defense Forces have been systematically containing and attacking military positions. The drone strike operation was successfully executed, with resistance forces able to withdraw safely without suffering any casualties. The military council forces have been using religious buildings such as monasteries and educational facilities as their bases while continuing to commit acts of violence against local civilians.
The People’s Defense Forces have declared their intention to continue various forms of attacks against the Military Council troops who have been occupying religious and educational buildings in the Ye-U Township area while perpetrating violence against civilians. The ongoing military violence has forced many local residents to flee their homes, leading to significant humanitarian challenges including difficulties in securing basic necessities. The presence of military forces in civilian areas has created a severe humanitarian crisis, with displaced residents facing numerous challenges in their daily survival.