The military council has forcibly demolished more than 80 houses along the Mandalay-Mattaya road in Kwa Ni Kan village, Patheingyi Township, Mandalay Region, using excavators and bulldozers, claiming the land belongs to the road. According to a representative from MDY Revolution, the military forces carried out the demolition over three days from March 4 to March 6, deploying more than 50 soldiers to systematically destroy homes on both the eastern and western sides of the main road.
The military personnel conducted the demolition without any prior notice to the residents, preventing them from salvaging their belongings before destroying their homes. This has resulted in significant losses for the affected families. During the demolition, the military and their affiliated militia members also threatened and arrested individuals who attempted to document the destruction through photographs, with armed Pyu Saw Htee members explicitly forbidding any photography of the ongoing demolition work.
The affected homes belonged to families who had been residing in the area for many years, and the destruction has severely impacted their livelihoods and living conditions. Local residents report that the displaced families are now searching for temporary shelter, while human rights observers note that such actions by the military council continue to deteriorate the socioeconomic conditions of civilians and demonstrate a complete breakdown of the rule of law. The sudden and forced evictions have left these communities without homes or access to their possessions, highlighting the ongoing humanitarian crisis caused by the military council’s actions against its own citizens.